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Luca Tesei Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Ricercatore Universitario nel Settore Scientifico-Disciplinare INF/01
Computer Science Division
School of Science and Technology
University of Camerino

Upcoming or Recent Events

  • Kick-off Meeting of Erasmus+ KA2 Project “Data Science Pathways to re-imagine education” (DA.RE), Coordinator AEA S.r.l. (Loccioni Group). The kick-off meeting will take place on 12-13 October 2016. On the 12th the meeting will be in Camerino at Palazzo Battibocca, on the 13th the meeting will be at Loccioni Headquarter, Angeli di Rosora (AN).
  • KDWeb 2016, 2nd International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery on the Web, Cagliari (Italy), 8-10 September 2016.
    • Presentation by Luca Tesei of the work “Survey of TOPDRIM applications of Topological Data Analysis” by Matteo Rucco, Adane Letta Mamuye, Marco Piangerelli, Michela Quadrini, Luca Tesei and Emanuela Merelli. Abstract: Every moment of our daily life belongs to the new era of “Big Data”. We continuously produce, at an unpredictable rate, a huge amount of heterogeneous and distributed data. The classical techniques developed for knowledge discovery seem to be unsuitable for extracting information hidden in these volumes of data. Therefore, there is the need to design new computational techniques. In this paper we focus on a set of algorithms inspired by algebraic topology that are known as Topological Data Analysis (TDA). We briefly introduce the principal techniques for building topological spaces from data and how these can be studied by persistent homology. Several case studies, collected within the TOPDRIM (Topology driven methods for complex systems) FP7-FET project, are used to illustrate the applicability of these techniques on different data sources and domains.
    • Emanuela Merelli, Michela Quadrini and Marco Piangerelli gave a Tutorial on “Topological Data Analysis with jHoles and Persistent Entropy
  • Organization and articipation as Co-chair to DataMod 2016 5th International Symposium “From Data to Models and Back, formerly known as MoKMaSD, Vienna, 8 July 2016, satellite event of STAF 2016.
  • Participation to the ICT COST Action IC1405 meeting at Bologna, 5-6 July 2016. The COST Action is about Reversible Computing, an interesting area of (not only) theoretical computer science. I participated with Francesco Tiezzi, who presented two works, one at the COST meeting and one at the RC Conference.