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teaching [2016/09/27 22:30]
teaching [2017/03/31 00:10] (current)
luca [Courses]
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     * Real-time and Probabilistic Systems Verification,​ 6 ECTS, second year, first semester, Master of Science in Computer Science, Unicam     * Real-time and Probabilistic Systems Verification,​ 6 ECTS, second year, first semester, Master of Science in Computer Science, Unicam
     * Reactive Systems Verification,​ 6 ECTS, first year, second semester, Master of Science in Computer Science, Unicam     * Reactive Systems Verification,​ 6 ECTS, first year, second semester, Master of Science in Computer Science, Unicam
 +    * IFTS Laboratorio web: [[teaching::​ifts1617|pagina del corso]]
   * A.Y. 2015/16   * A.Y. 2015/16
     * ...     * ...