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adminluca [Current Events]
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 +====== ​ Profile ​ ======
 +I am **Associate Professor** of Computer Science [Professore Associato nel SSD INF/01 INFORMATICA] at the [[http://​computerscience.unicam.it|Computer Science Division]] of the [[http://​sst.unicam.it|School of Science and Technology]] at the [[http://​www.unicam.it|University of Camerino]], Italy. [From 1st November 2019]
-<WRAP center round box> +Previously, I was Assistant Professor of Computer Science ​[Ricercatore Universitario nel SSD INF/​01 ​INFORMATICA] at the same place from 1st June 2011 to 31st October 2019. On 05/12/2017 I took the [[http://abilitazione.miur.it/public/index.php?​lang=eng|Italian National Scientific Qualification]] as Associate Professor in scientific sectors INF/01 - INFORMATICA (Computer Science, Informatics) and ING-INF/05 - SISTEMI DI ELABORAZIONE DELLE INFORMAZIONI (Computer Science, Engineering).
-{{ :​wiki:​logo.png?​nolink&​90|Luca Tesei}} +
-Assistant Professor of Computer Science\\  +
-Ricercatore Universitario nel Settore Scientifico-Disciplinare ​INF/01\\ +
-[[http://computerscience.unicam.it|Computer Science Division]]\\ +
-[[http://sst.unicam.it|School of Science and Technology]]\\ +
-[[http://www.unicam.it|University of Camerino]] +
 +====== ​ Current Projects ​ ======
 +I am Principal Investigator of the PRIN 2022 PNRR Project [[https://​bdslab.unicam.it/​rna2fun/​|RNA2Fun]]:​ RNA secondary structures and their relationship with function: application to non-coding RNAs
 +====== ​ Current Events ​ ======
 +Chair of the Special Session "​Computational Structural Bioinformatics"​ at [[https://​www.bioinformatics-sannio.org/​cibb2024/​index.php#​submission|Computational Intelligence methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics (CIBB2024)]].
 +Presentation at [[https://​ml4ngp.eu/​conference-thessaloniki/​|2ND ML4NGP MEETING ON MACHINE LEARNING AND NON-GLOBULAR PROTEINS]], May 14-17, 2024, Thessaloniki,​ Greece.
 +====== ​ Editorial Activities ​ ======
 +I am Guest Editor of the BMC Bioinformatics'​ [[https://​www.biomedcentral.com/​collections/​pmrsi|Collection]] Prediction and modelling of RNA structure and interactions. Deadline 31st July 2024. 
 +I am also [[https://​bmcbioinformatics.biomedcentral.com/​about/​editorial-board|Editorial Board member]] of BMC Bioinformatics. ​
 +====== ​ Contacts ​ ======
 +**Office**: Polo Informatico "Carla Lodovici",​ via Madonna Delle Carceri 9, 62032 Camerino (MC), Italy
 +**University Email** <​luca.tesei@unicam.it>​\\
 +**Personal Email** <​luca.tesei@gmail.com>​
 +**Office Phone** +39 0737 402572\\
 +**Skype** luca.tesei\\
 +**Webex** [[https://​unicam.webex.com/​meet/​luca.tesei|Luca Tesei'​s virtual room]]
 +**Web Page** [[start|This site]]\\
 +**Unicam Institutional Web Page** [[https://​docenti.unicam.it/​pdett.aspx?​ids=N&​tv=d&​UteId=572&​ru=PA|Here]]\\
 +**LinkedIn** [[http://​it.linkedin.com/​in/​lucatesei|Here]]\\
 +**Facebook** [[https://​www.facebook.com/​luca.tesei|Here]]