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research [2016/09/29 14:31]
research [2018/06/20 16:00] (current)
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-====== My Research ​======+**Research ​Areas**:
-===== Short Bio =====+  * Formal Methods for the Specification and Verification of software/​hardware systems: (timed) (probabilistic) automata, (timed) process algebras, model checking, static analysis, abstract interpretation,​ adaptive systems. 
 +  * Systems Biology and Bioinformatics:​ modelling and simulation of biological systems, emergent behaviours, membrane computing, modelling of ecosystems, multi-agent systems, RNA folding and structure comparison, topological data analysis. ​
 +**Publications and Projects**:
-I graduated in Computer Science at the University ​of Pisa on July 2000 and took the PhD in Computer Science at the Department ​of Computer Science of the same university on April 2004. From October 2003 to October 2004 I had a post-doc position at Dipartimento di Scienze dell'​Informazione,​ Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna. From April 2005 to April 2011 I was Research Fellow at School of Science and Technology of the University of CamerinoFrom June 2011 to today I have been Assistant Professor ​of Computer Science at the School of Science ​and Technology of the University of Camerino (confirmed in role in 2014)+  * [[:​research:​publications|Selected List of Publications]]  
 +  * [[:​research:​projects|List ​of Research Projects ​am/was involved in]] 
 +  * [[https://​docenti.unicam.it/​pdett.aspx?​UteId=572&​tv=p&​ru=RU|Full List of my Publications (including technical reports, abstracts ​and posters)]]
-From 2002 to 2011 I participated,​ as member of research unit, to 4 national PRIN research projects, one national FIRB research project, one national Flagship project and 2 European projects.  +**External Profiles**:
- +
-My main research interests are in Formal Methods for the specification and verification of software/​hardware systems: (timed) (probabilistic) automata, (timed) process algebras, model checking, static analysis, abstract interpretation. I am also interested in Systems Biology: modelling and simulation of biological systems, emergent behaviours, membrane computing, modelling of ecosystems, multi-agent systems. Recently, I have been active in the field of Topological Data Analysis.  +
- +
-I am co-author of more than 30 peer-reviewed publications of international relevance and of tenths of other poster, short contributions and technical reports. I participated,​ also as speaker, to several international workshops/​conferences and I regularly do peer reviewing activity for several international workshops/​conferences and important journals in the sector of Computer Science and Bioinformatics. +
- +
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-===== More about my research ===== +
- +
-  ​[[:​research:​projects|List of Research Projects I am/was involved in]] +
-  ​[[:research:publications|List of my Publications]] +
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-===== External research profiles ===== 
   * [[http://​dblp.uni-trier.de/​pers/​hd/​t/​Tesei:​Luca|My entry at DBLP]]   * [[http://​dblp.uni-trier.de/​pers/​hd/​t/​Tesei:​Luca|My entry at DBLP]]
   * [[http://​www.researcherid.com/​rid/​L-9309-2015|My ResearcherID Profile (Thomson Reuter)]]   * [[http://​www.researcherid.com/​rid/​L-9309-2015|My ResearcherID Profile (Thomson Reuter)]]
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   * [[https://​www.researchgate.net/​profile/​Luca_Tesei|My Profile at Research Gate]]   * [[https://​www.researchgate.net/​profile/​Luca_Tesei|My Profile at Research Gate]]
   * [[https://​unicam.academia.edu/​LucaTesei|My profile at Academia.edu]]   * [[https://​unicam.academia.edu/​LucaTesei|My profile at Academia.edu]]