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research:publications [2016/11/30 19:08]
luca [Journal Papers]
research:publications [2016/11/30 22:31] (current)
luca [Journal Papers]
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   * Bartocci, Ezio and Cacciagrano,​ Diletta Romana and Di Berardini, Maria Rita and Merelli, Emanuela and Tesei, Luca (2010) "Timed Operational Semantics and Well-Formedness of Shape Calculus",​ //​Scientific Annals of Computer Science// **20**, 33-52.\\ [[http://​www.info.uaic.ro/​bin/​Annals/​Article?​v=XX&​a=1|Full Text and PDF at Publisher (Open Access)]], [[http://​hdl.handle.net/​11581/​203262|Entry at UNICAM Repository]]   * Bartocci, Ezio and Cacciagrano,​ Diletta Romana and Di Berardini, Maria Rita and Merelli, Emanuela and Tesei, Luca (2010) "Timed Operational Semantics and Well-Formedness of Shape Calculus",​ //​Scientific Annals of Computer Science// **20**, 33-52.\\ [[http://​www.info.uaic.ro/​bin/​Annals/​Article?​v=XX&​a=1|Full Text and PDF at Publisher (Open Access)]], [[http://​hdl.handle.net/​11581/​203262|Entry at UNICAM Repository]]
   * Buti, Federico and Cacciagrano,​ Diletta Romana and Corradini, Flavio and Merelli, Emanuela and Tesei, Luca and Pani, Martino (2010) "Bone Remodelling in BioShape",​ //​Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science// **268**, 17-29.\\ [[http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1016%2Fj.entcs.2010.12.003|DOI]],​ [[http://​hdl.handle.net/​11581/​203416|Entry at UNICAM Repository]],​ {{ :​research:​bccmtp10-postprint.pdf |PDF}}   * Buti, Federico and Cacciagrano,​ Diletta Romana and Corradini, Flavio and Merelli, Emanuela and Tesei, Luca and Pani, Martino (2010) "Bone Remodelling in BioShape",​ //​Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science// **268**, 17-29.\\ [[http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1016%2Fj.entcs.2010.12.003|DOI]],​ [[http://​hdl.handle.net/​11581/​203416|Entry at UNICAM Repository]],​ {{ :​research:​bccmtp10-postprint.pdf |PDF}}
-  * Barbuti, Roberto and De Francesco, Nicoletta and Tesei, Luca (2010) ​ "An Abstract Interpretation Approach for Enhancing the Java Bytecode Verifier",​ //The Computer Journal// **53**(6), 679-700.\\ [[http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1093%2Fcomjnl%2Fbxp031|Full Text and PDF at Publisher (Open Access)]], [[http://​hdl.handle.net/​11581/​201307|Entry at UNICAM Repository]]\\ **This paper has been awarded** the [[http://​www.oxfordjournals.org/​our_journals/​computer_journal/​wilkes_award.html|Wilkes Award]] [[http://​www.oxfordjournals.org/​our_journals/​computer_journal/​previouswinners.html|edition 2011 for papers published in 2010]], {{ :​research:​the_wilkes_award_luca_tesei.pdf |Luca Tesei'​s Wilkes Award certificate}}.+  * Barbuti, Roberto and De Francesco, Nicoletta and Tesei, Luca (2010) ​ "An Abstract Interpretation Approach for Enhancing the Java Bytecode Verifier",​ //The Computer Journal// **53**(6), 679-700.\\ [[http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1093%2Fcomjnl%2Fbxp031|Full Text and PDF at Publisher (Open Access)]], [[http://​hdl.handle.net/​11581/​201307|Entry at UNICAM Repository]]\\ **This paper has been awarded** the [[http://​www.oxfordjournals.org/​our_journals/​computer_journal/​wilkes_award.html|Wilkes Award]] [[http://​www.oxfordjournals.org/​our_journals/​computer_journal/​previouswinners.html|edition 2011 for papers published in 2010]], {{ :​research:​the_wilkes_award_luca_tesei.pdf |Luca Tesei'​s Wilkes Award certificate}} 
 +  * Bartocci, Ezio and Corradini, Flavio and Merelli, Emanuela and Tesei, Luca (2010) "​Detecting Synchronisation of Biological Oscillators by Model Checking",​ //​Theoretical Computer Science// **411**(20),​ 1999-2018.\\ [[http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1016%2Fj.tcs.2009.12.019|Full Text and PDF at Publisher (User License)]], [[http://​hdl.handle.net/​11581/​201309|Entry at UNICAM Repository]],​ {{ :​research:​bcmt10-postprint.pdf |PDF (Postprint)}}
 ==== Conference Papers ==== ==== Conference Papers ====
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   * Buti, Federico and Cacciagrano,​ Diletta Romana and Corradini, Flavio and Merelli, Emanuela and Tesei, Luca (2010) "​BioShape:​ a spatial shape-based scale-independent simulation environment for biological systems",​ //Procedia Computer Science// **1**, 827-835.\\ [[http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1016%2Fj.procs.2010.04.090|Full Text and PDF at Publisher (Open Access)]], [[http://​hdl.handle.net/​11581/​203440|Entry at UNICAM Repository]]   * Buti, Federico and Cacciagrano,​ Diletta Romana and Corradini, Flavio and Merelli, Emanuela and Tesei, Luca (2010) "​BioShape:​ a spatial shape-based scale-independent simulation environment for biological systems",​ //Procedia Computer Science// **1**, 827-835.\\ [[http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1016%2Fj.procs.2010.04.090|Full Text and PDF at Publisher (Open Access)]], [[http://​hdl.handle.net/​11581/​203440|Entry at UNICAM Repository]]
   * ...   * ...
 +===== 2009 =====
 +==== Journal Papers ====
 +  * Barbuti, Roberto and Maggiolo-Schettini,​ Andrea and Milazzo, Paolo and Tesei, Luca (2009) "Timed P Automata",​ //​Fundamenta Informaticae//​ **94**, 1-19.\\ [[http://​dx.doi.org/​10.3233%2FFI-2009-114|DOI]],​ [[http://​hdl.handle.net/​11581/​201305|Entry at UNICAM Repository]],​ {{ :​research:​bmmt09b-postprint.pdf |PDF}}
 +  * Barbuti, Roberto and Maggiolo-Schettini,​ Andrea and Milazzo, Paolo and Tesei, Luca (2009) "Timed P Automata",​ //​Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science// **227**, 21-36.\\ [[http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1016%2Fj.entcs.2008.12.102|DOI]],​ [[http://​hdl.handle.net/​11581/​9901|Entry at UNICAM Repository]],​ {{ :​research:​bmmt09-postprint.pdf |PDF}}
 +  * Bartocci, Ezio and Corradini, Flavio and Merelli, Emanuela and Tesei, Luca (2009) "Model Checking Biological Oscillators",​ //​Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science// **229**, 41-58.\\ [[http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1016%2Fj.entcs.2009.02.004|DOI]],​ [[http://​hdl.handle.net/​11581/​115139|Entry at UNICAM Repository]],​ {{ :​research:​bcmt09-postprint.pdf |PDF}}
 +===== 2008 =====
 +==== Journal Papers ====
 +  * Corradini, Flavio and Polzonetti, Alberto and Re, Barbara and Tesei, Luca (2008) "​Quality of service in e-Government underlines the role of information usability",​ //​International Journal of Information Quality// **2**(2), 133-151.\\ [[http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1504%2FIJIQ.2008.022960|DOI]],​ [[http://​hdl.handle.net/​11581/​201306|Entry at UNICAM Repository]],​ {{ :​research:​cprt08-postprint.pdf |PDF}}
 +==== Conference Papers ====
 +  * Cacciagrano,​ Diletta Romana and Corradini, Flavio and Culmone, Rosario and Tesei, Luca and Vito, Leonardo (2008) "A model-prover for constrained dynamic conversations",​ In //​Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & services (iiWAS2008)//,​ Linz, Austria, November 24-26, 2008, 630-633.\\ [[http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1145%2F1497308.1497428|DOI]],​ [[http://​hdl.handle.net/​11581/​202369|Entry at UNICAM Repository]],​ {{ :​research:​ccclt08-postprint.pdf |PDF}}
 +===== 2004 =====
 +==== Journal Papers ====
 +  * Barbuti, Roberto; Cataudella, Stefano; Tesei, Luca (2004) "​Abstract Interpretation Against Races",​ //​Fundamenta Informaticae//​ **60**(1-4),​ 67-79.\\ [[http://​content.iospress.com/​articles/​fundamenta-informaticae/​fi60-1-4-06|Page at Publisher]],​ [[http://​hdl.handle.net/​11581/​201304|Entry at UNICAM Repository]],​ {{ :​research:​bct04-postprint.pdf |PDF}}
 +  * Barbuti, Roberto and Tesei, Luca (2004) "Timed automata with urgent transitions",​ //Acta Informatica//​ **40**(5), 317-347.\\ [[http://​dx.doi.org/​10.1007%2Fs00236-003-0135-6|DOI]],​ [[http://​hdl.handle.net/​11581/​201303|Entry at UNICAM Repository]],​ {{ :​research:​bt04-postprint.pdf |PDF}}
 +===== 2003 =====
 +==== Journal Papers ====
 +  * Barbuti, Roberto and Tesei, Luca (2003) "A Decidable Notion of Timed Non-Interference",​ //​Fundamenta Informaticae//​ **54**(2-3),​ 137-150.\\ [[http://​content.iospress.com/​articles/​fundamenta-informaticae/​fi54-2-3-03|Page at Publisher]],​ [[http://​hdl.handle.net/​11581/​201245|Entry at UNICAM Repository]],​ {{ :​research:​bt03-postprint.pdf |PDF}}
 +  * De Francesco, Nicoletta and Santone, Antonella and Tesei, Luca (2003) "​Abstract Interpretation and Model Checking for Checking Secure Information Flow in Concurrent Systems",​ //​Fundamenta Informaticae//​ **54**(2-3),​ 195-211.\\ [[http://​content.iospress.com/​articles/​fundamenta-informaticae/​fi54-2-3-07|Page at Publisher]],​ [[http://​hdl.handle.net/​11581/​201302|Entry at UNICAM Repository]],​ {{ :​research:​dst03-postprint.pdf |PDF}}
 +===== 2002 =====
 +==== Journal Papers ====
 +  * Barbuti, Roberto and De Francesco, Nicoletta and Santone, Antonella and Tesei, Luca (2002) "A Notion of Non-Interference for Timed Automata",​ //​Fundamenta Informaticae//​ **51**(1-2),​ 1-11.\\ [[http://​content.iospress.com/​articles/​fundamenta-informaticae/​fi51-1-2-02|Page at Publisher]],​ [[http://​hdl.handle.net/​11581/​201244|Entry at UNICAM Repository]],​ {{ :​research:​bdst02-postprint.pdf |PDF}}
 +===== 2001 =====
 +==== Journal Papers ====
 +  * Barbuti, Roberto and De Francesco, Nicoletta and Tesei, Luca (2001) "Timed Automata with non-Instantaneous Actions",​ //​Fundamenta Informaticae//​ **47**(3-4),​ 189-200.\\ [[http://​content.iospress.com/​articles/​fundamenta-informaticae/​fi47-3-4-02|Page at Publisher]],​ [[http://​hdl.handle.net/​11581/​201243|Entry at UNICAM Repository]],​ {{ :​research:​bdt01-postprint.pdf |PDF}}